Supportive Services
*If you or someone you know is in danger, has been assaulted, or experiencing a mental health or substance abuse related crisis, contact your local authorities or an emergency health care provider immediately.
Interfaith offers a Phone Reassurance program for seniors. Sometimes you just want to talk. A volunteer will call to talk with you or just make sure you’re doing okay. Contact (262) 549-3348 for more information.
Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin
LSS offers counseling and assessment services for individuals experiencing substance abuse issues/addiction or mental health illnesses. Contact (414) 281-4400 for more information.
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill - NAMI Waukesha
NAMI offers a variety of peer support groups for people with mental illness. Groups meet the1st & 3rd Thurs of the Month, 7:00 – 8:30pm. Contact (262) 524-8886 for moe information.
Th Center offers specialized programming for men, women, or children who have experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse or trafficking. Contact (262) 547-4600 for more information. The Women's Center 24-hour hotline is 262-542-3828