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Supportive Services

*If you or someone you know is in danger, has been assaulted, or experiencing a mental health or substance abuse related crisis, contact your local authorities or an emergency health care provider immediately.

Interfaith Senior Programs

Interfaith offers a Phone Reassurance program for seniors. Sometimes you just want to talk. A volunteer will call to talk with you or just make sure you’re doing okay. Contact (262) 549-3348 for more information.


Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin

LSS offers counseling and assessment services for individuals experiencing substance abuse issues/addiction or mental health illnesses. Contact (414) 281-4400 for more information.


National Alliance for the Mentally Ill - NAMI Waukesha

NAMI offers a variety of peer support groups for people with mental illness. Groups meet the1st & 3rd Thurs of the Month, 7:00 – 8:30pm. Contact (262) 524-8886 for moe information.


The Women's Center

Th Center offers specialized programming for men, women, or children who have experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse or trafficking. Contact (262) 547-4600 for more information. The Women's Center 24-hour hotline is 262-542-3828






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